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Beverly Cheatham
Lois Lindsey
James Kerr

Bob Curtis & Family
Eileen Tollett
Mike Williams

Steve & Sally Terrell

Ken Fulk
Carl Clemencich

Mike Schaeffer

Debra H. Stout
Moran Family
Libby King
Kelly Ellis
Lea & Trey Bell
Kim Mathews
Dave & MaryJane Barnes
Grenier Family
Fran Plinck
Cassie Luther
Jill Nortman
Kelly Mires
Stacy Gonzales
Carnley Family
Allyson Meck
Cathy McNulty

Saithu Family
Shuman Family
Christyn Carriere
Mark Paxton
Daniel Paxton
Matt Foster
Mary Summers
Steven Christie
Boger Family
Theresa Ginsburg

Dr. Jennie R. Vahrenkamp
Michelle Stelle-Dickerson
Sharla Gant
Debbie Widdig
Gouni Family
Jessica Ambrose

Keon L. Byrd

Deepa Singh

Joann Wollmuth

Aislinn Saithu

Sandra Park

Denise Alvarez

Karen O'Connor

Dwight Burns




Who Is John Holley?


If you know Mr. Holley then you know who John is, for he is the person he appears to be whether you have known him for a week or for years. John is first and foremost an advocate of kids and secondly an advocate for education. According to John, he realized at a very early age that it is through the right education that we are going to put each child on the path to being the best he/she can be.


I have known of John Holley for many years. I did not have the privilege of teaching with John, something I do regret. He, according to those I have talked to, taught like no one else. John knows that the secret to getting a student to join you in seeking the best education for that student is to get to know the individual student.


Individual would be the central descriptive word, I would think of when telling someone who John Holley is. John knows pedagogy and has a wealth of knowledge about the experts in education. He follows no particular person or system but uses his store of knowledge to help him understand what will work for that particular student. Isn’t that what every parent wants for their student? Isn’t that what we need on our Board of Trustees? An individual who listens, checks the facts and then makes an informed decision should be exactly what most of us are looking for on our Board of Trustees.


John is not an individual that uses being individual, for the sake of doing what he wants but for the sake of the student/students, who he is working with at that moment. Every decision that the Allen Trustees make can be traced back to what is right for students.


A vote for John Holley will put a teacher on the board, who actually has been in the classroom as late as May of 2023, a person who has great respect for those who he works with, but is not afraid to professionally challenge any and all ideas regarding what is best for the children of Allen. His reputation of acting professionally, discussing without name calling and respecting ideas that differ from his makes him a great role model for our kindergarteners thru to our seniors in high school. Join me in a YES vote for John Holley, place three on the Allen Board of Trustees.


-Lois Lindsey



**Mr. Holley,
  My daughter Laila was not in your class, but every student in Cheatham felt your energy and caring spirit.  I am excited to support your campaign.  If you have a yard sign, we would be pleased to put it up. - Aislinn Saithu



I taught with John for many years. He was both my daughter’s 1st grade teacher and still to this day the most influential teacher in their lives that they had. 
If you are looking for someone on the board who will always be KIDS FIRST and always have the best interest of the students and community at heart, please help me get the vote out for John. He was an exceptional educator (recently retired) and is an even better human. This is who you want on your Allen ISD school board 100%! 
Every student deserves a voice and a champion. Mr. Holley will be that champion! - Steve Shuman


I was fortunate to work with John on several district committees during my years of teaching first grade in Allen ISD. John is great man who always puts kids first. He is an amazing listener and communicator. He has the ability and patience to collaborate with others to make great things happen!  
He truly cares about the Allen school district and community.
John has my support!


Debbie Widdig
Retired Allen ISD First Grade Teacher


I’m so proud of you, John! Thank you for continuing to care about our kids, teachers and community.


Jessica Ambrose


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